This special CDROM was send to people to
register as premieum member on www.sting.com. Most of
it is about Sting Scared love special concert in Paris
/ Olympia on September 22th 2003, and interview, live
and videos werre recorded at this concert.
It contains :
Documentary videos :
-Fan picked song (2'00 - Sting interview and rehersals
-Olympia (4'00)
-Video elements (4'38)
-New songs (5'00)
Live videos :
-Send your love (4'30 rehearsals version)
-Dominic EPK (10'32)
-Ghost story (All this time session, 2001)
Audio : 35 questions asked
to Sting.
Picture gallery : Olympia
Icons, Wallpapers, screen savers...
Web : brings you to 2 extra
- Whenever I say your name (live Olympia)
- Desert rose (rehersals and live Olympia)
A funny memory game...
An exellent item, thanks Dave, Wendy and Tina :)