This list is ordered chronologicaly.
Use the dates to navigate quicker.
1985 - 1986 - 1987
- 1988 - 1989 - 1990
- 1991 - 1992 - 1993
- 1994 - 1995 - 1996
- 1997 - 1998 - 1999
- 2000 - 2001 - 2003 |
694 official CD
CD album : 279 - CD singles : 362 - Other CD : 53 (CD singles & album
not directly issued from an album) |
Release date : 1985
Category : CD Album
25 CD |
The dream of the blue turtles
- GER - 393 750-2 - silver/black
The dream of the blue turtles - GER - 540 992 2- silver/black
- remastered reissue with If you love video
dream of the blue turtles - Ukraine - 540 992 2 - ukrenian writtings
The dream of the blue turtles - JAP
- 32XB-30 - silver/black - original issue, slightly different
colours, with insert, withou the OBI
The dream of the blue turtles - JAP - D33Y3400 - gold/black
- Promotional CD, gold CD, comes with a gold OBI and insert
The dream of the blue turtles - JAP - D32Y3004 - silver/black
-special folded Red OBI, with insert
The dream of the blue turtles - JAP - D25Y3276 - silver/black
- Red OBI, with insert
The dream of the blue turtles - JAP - POCM-1829 - silver/black
- Red OBI, double booklet, discography, insert, white case, reissue
The dream of the blue turtles - JAP - UDCD 528 - Black/gold -
Gold CD ,"Original master recording serie", special
PS, special case
The dream of the blue turtles - JAP - POCM-2084 - silver/black
- 11.98 remastered edition reissue with video track
The dream of the blue turtles - AUS - 393 750 2 - gold/black -
Gold CD, "Gold tour souvenir edition" sticker
The dream of the blue turtles - CAN - CD 3750 - silver/black -
darker PS, slightly different booklet
The dream of the blue turtles - USA - CD 3750 - silver/black
- first issue in 12" long box, still sealed
dream of the blue turtles - USA -special MFSL master 1 - UDCD
528 SMF 9346-1A, Manufactured by Superior
dream of the blue turtles - USA -special MFSL master 2 - UDCD
528 SMF 9346-1B, Manufactured by Superior
The dream of the blue turtles - BRA - 73145409922 - silver/black
- 2002 reissue, in special red Estreia slip case, with video
The dream of the blue turtles - KOR - 393 750-2/DA 0677 - silver/blue
- slightly different booklet with Koran biography |
Release date : 1986
Category : CD live
34 CD (17 X 2 CD) |
on the night - GER
- 396 705-2 - silver/red-blue - 2 CD, different catalogue nbr on
Bring on the night - GER
- 396 705-2 - silver/red-blue - 2 CD, Z pack reissue, different
sleeve, 2 same red disc designs
Bring on the night - GER
- 540 994-2- silver/red-blue - 2 CD, remastered reissue with video,
Z pack
on the night - EU - 0602498803653 - 2 CD, 2005 remastered issue
on the night - Ukraine - 0602498803653 - 2 CD, 2005 remastered issue
Bring on the night - JAP - D50Y3005 - silver/red-blue - 2CD, black
sticker OBI, inserts
on the night - Japan
- PCCY-10273 - 2 CD, red OBI
Bring on the night - JAP - POCM-1827.28 - silver/red-blue - 2CD,
red OBI, discography, insert, white case, reissue 1993
Bring on the night - JAP - POCM-2085/6 - silver/red-blue - 11.98
remastered edition reissue with video track, different sleeve
Bring on the night - USA - CD6705/DE1085/Dx1086 - silver/red-blue
- CD1 & CD 2 in special 12" long box
Bring on the night - USA - CD 6075/DX 1086 - silver/red-blue - Different
sleeve, second CD without the first
Bring on the night - USA - 75021 6705 2 - silver/blue-blue - different
Bring on the night - USA - D 204870 - silver/red - BMG reissue,
different sleeve & back sleeve
on the night - USA
- B0004305-02 - 2CD, 2005 remastered issue
Bring on the night - Venezuela - 540 994-2 - silver/red-blue - special
"super stars" front sleeve
Bring on the night - KOR - 396 705-2/DA0826 - silver/red-blue -
different back, with booklets (not leaflet), with Korean biography
on the night - Taiwan
- 0602498803653 - 2 CD, 2005 remastered issue,with OBI |
Release date : 1987
Category : CD Album
17 CD |
...Nothing like
the sun - UK - CDA6402- silver/tan
...Nothing like the sun - GER - 393 912-2 - silver/black
...Nothing like the sun - GER - 540 993-2- silver/black - remastered
reissue with video
like the sun - Ukraine - 540 993 2 - ukrenian writtings
...Nothing like the sun - JAP - D35Y3184 - silver/black - Red OBI,
original issue with insert
...Nothing like the sun - JAP - POCM-1826 - silver/black - Red OBI,
discography, insert, white case, reissue 1993
...Nothing like the sun - JAP
- UDCD 546 - black/gold - Gold CD ,"Original master recording
serie", folded booklet, special case
...Nothing like the sun - JAP - POCM-2087 - silver/black - 11.98
remastered edition reissue with video track
like the sun - JAP - UICY 2043 - 2003 reissue with black OBI
...Nothing like the sun - AUS - 393 912 2 - gold/black - Gold CD,
"Gold tour souvenir edition" sticker, leaflet & not
...Nothing like the sun - AUS - CD 6402 - silver/black - US CD with
"Special souvenir edition" colour sleeve
...Nothing like the sun - USA - CD 6402 - silver/black - first
issue in 12" long box, still sealed
like the sun - USA - special MFSL master UDCD546 SP-AMA
...Nothing like the sun - USA - 69286 01063 21 - silver/black -
DTS reissue in special CD case
...Nothing like the sun - Mexico - CEDPR 1043 - grey/black - original
issue with titles in spanish
...Nothing like the sun - KOR - 393 912-2/DA0053 - silver/black
- slightly different booklet with Koran biography
...Nothing like the sun - China - 393 912-2 - white/black - special
back sleeve, probably a bootleg |
Release date : 1988
Category : Promotional Japanese CD compilation
1 CD |
Sting D.J Copy
- JAP - DSP-6 - silver/black
- promotional compilation (4 Police tracks, 10 Sting tracks) with
live 88 sleeve |
Release date : 1987
Category : CD single
1 CDs |
Be still my beating heart - (SE)/Be still my beating
(LP) - USA - CD 17529 - CD - silver/black - Promo |
Release date : 1988
Category : CD single
3 CDs |
We'll be together - (EM)/Together (UV)/Conversation/Together
(I) - UK - AMCD 410 - DP - silver/grey - 3"
We'll be together - (EM)/Englishman/Conversation - JAP - D15Y3197
- CDs - silver/black - promo, Nothing like the sun sleeve, OBI
We'll be together - (EM)/Englishman/Conversation - JAP - D15Y3197
- CDs - silver/black - Nothing like the sun sleeve, OBI |
Release date : 1988
Category : CD single
6 CDs |
Englishman in New York - Ghost/Bring on
... - UK - AMCD 431 - CDs - silver/black
Englishman in New York - Ghost/Bring on ... - GER - 392 276 2 -
PS - grey/black
Englishman in New York - Someone to watch/Up from the skies - JAP
- S12Y3025 - SP - silver/black - 3"
Englishman in New York - Someone to watch/Up from the skies - USA
- CDS 48 - 3"PS - silver/blue - 3", gatefold 3" PS
Englishman in New York - Someone to watch/Up from the skies -
USA - CDS 48 - 3"PS - silver/blue - same in 12"x4"
Englishman in New York - Someone to watch/Up from the skies - USA
- 75021 2370 2 - CD - silver/blue - slightly different sleeve |
Release date : 1988
Category : CD single
3 CDs |
Fragile - Fràgil/Fragilidad/Mariposa libre
- UK - AMCD 439 - CDs - black/silver-blue - with sticker
Fragile - Up from the skies/Someone to watch over me - GER - 390
307 2 - PS - grey/black
Fragile - Fragilidad - JAP - S10Y3041 - SP - silver/black - 3" |
Release date : 1988
Category : CD single
5 CDs |
They dance alone - Ellas danzan solas/Si
estamos juntos - UK - AMCD 458- CDs - silver/black-red
They dance alone - If you there/Ellas danzan solas - GER - 390 225
2 - PS - grey/black
They dance alone - Ellas danzan solas - JAP - S10Y3052 -
SP - silver/black - promo, 3", different PS
They dance alone - Ellas danzan solas - JAP - S10Y3052 - SP - silver/black
- 3", different PS
They dance alone - USA - CD#17613 - CDs - red/black - Promo, Human
right now PS |
Release date : 1988
Category : CD EP album
5 CD |
como el sol - GER - 393 295-2
- silver/black
...Nada como el sol - JAP - POCM-1830 - silver/black - Red
OBI, discography, insert, white case, reissue 1993
...Nada como el sol - USA - CD 3295 - silver/black - first issue
in 12" long box
...Nada como el sol - KOR - 393 295-2/DA 0273 - silver/black- slightly
different booklet
...Nada como el sol - Tawian - 393 295 2 - silver/black - French
CD with chiense OBI |
Release date : 1988
Category : CD single
1 CDs |
Fragile (Portuguese)
- Mariposa libre - FRA - 390 389-2 - PS - silver/black |
Release date : 1988
Category : CD single
2 CDs |
If you love somebody/Russians/Englishman in
New York - JAP - S12Y3010 - SP - silver/black - promo, 3",
If you love somebody/Russians/Englishman in New York - JAP - S12Y3010
- SP - silver/black - 3", compilation |
Release date : 1989
Category : CD single
2 CDs |
Englishman in NY/If you love/Someone
/Spread a little - UK - AMCD 911 - CD - black/silv-red-bl - Limited
Englishman in NY/If you love/Someone /Spread a little - Germany
- 390 346-2- CD - black/silv-red-bl - same with catalogue number
sticker |
Release date : 1990
Category : CD single
5 CDs |
Englishman in New york - (BLME)/If
you love (DM)/Englishman (BLM) - UK - AMCD 580 - PS - silver/red-blue
Englishman in New york - (BLME)/If you love (DM)/Englishman (BLM)
- GER - 390 562 2 - CDs - silver/red-blue
Englishman in New york - (BLME)/If you love (DM)/Englishman (BLM)
- GER - 390 562 2 - CDs - grey/blue-red - different disc design
Englishman in New york - (BLME)/If you love (DM)/Englishman (BLM)
- GER - 390 562 2 - CDs - silver/red-blue - different disc design
Englishman in New york - (BLME)/If you love (DM)/Englishman (BLM)
- GER - 390 562 2 - CDs - grey/red-blue - different disc design
Release date : 1991
Category : CD album
27 CD |
The soul cages - GER - 396 405-2 - white/silver
The soul cages - GER - 396 125 2 - white/silver - fold
out digipack, track listing in black on the inside part
The soul cages - GER - 540 966 2 - white/silver - digitally rematsered
issue with bonus video, slightly different back PS
The soul cages - SPA - 397 167-2 - white/silver - with
"Vengo del sur", made in Germany for Spain, slightly
different back
The soul cages - ITA - 397 150-2 - white/silver - with
"Muoio per te", made in Germany for Italy, slightly
different back
soul cages - Ukraine - 540 996 2 - ukrenian writtings
The soul cages - CzecheSlovakian Federal Republic - 50
075-2 - silver/black - very rare popron issue, special disc design
The soul cages - Poland - SPN 002 - white/silver - States "Made
in Germany four Sound-Pol for sale in Polland only"
The soul cages - RUS - 540 996 9- white/silver - digitally remastered
issue with bonus video, slightly different design
The soul cages - JAP - PCCY-10168 - white/silver - promo,
red sticker on back, promo on disc, with red OBI, insert, original
The soul cages - JAP - PCCY-10168 - white/silver - with
red OBI, insert, original issue
The soul cages - JAP - POCM-1825 - white/silver - reissue
with different OBI and slightly different insert, disco, reissue
The soul cages - JAP - POCM-2088 - white/silver - 11.98
remastered edition reissue with video track
The soul cages - AUS - 396405-2 - gold/black - Gold CD, "Gold
tour souvenir edition" sticker
The soul cages - RSA - STARCD6592 - white/silver - digitally remastered
issue with bonus video, slightly different back PS
The soul cages - CAN -
AMCD 030891 - silver/black - interview disc, Promo, special sleeve,
questions in the booklet
The soul cages - CAN - 75021 6405
2 - white/silver - fold out digipack with Canadian collector edition
in silver
The soul cages - CAN - 75021 6405 2 - white/silver
The soul cages - USA -
75021 6405 2 - black/silver - Promo, special printed jute
bag PS, dedicated and signed by Sting
The soul cages - USA - 75021 6405 2 - white/silver
- Promo, "Promotional" written on the disc, promo sticker,
fold out digipack
The soul cages - USA - 75021 6405-2 - white/silver - first issue
in long box, perfect condition, still sealed
The soul cages - USA - 75021 6405-2 - white/silver
- second issue, unfolded digipack sealed with sticker
The soul cages - USA - 75021 6405 2 - white/silver - fold out
digipack with slightly different booklet
The soul cages - MEX - CDEPR 1026 - grey/black - titles written
in Spanish, different back sleeve and design
soul cages - MEX - CDEPR 1026 - grey/black - different disc design
The soul cages - KOR - 396 405-2/DA 0825
- white/silver - complete different sleeve (as "All"
single), complete different disc design
The soul cages - TAI - 396 405-2 - white/silver - with
brown Chinese OBI, made in Germany |
Release date : 1991
Category : CD EP / Limited edition Box set
3 CD |
live in Newcastle - GER - 397 171-2 - white/blue - Limited edition
box set with live CD and Gligorov book, 3000 copies
live in Newcastle - JAP - PCCY-10281 - promo CD only, no box
Acoustic live in Newcastle - JAP - PCCY-10281 - slightly different
box, comes with big Japanese sticker and insert with the CD. |
Release date : 1991
Category : Promotional Japanese CD compilation
1 CD |
Special compilation Sting'91
- JAP - DSP-112 - silver/black - promotional compilation with white/blue
cardboard sleeve |
Release date : 1990
Category : CD single
11 CD |
All this
time - (3'59)/I miss you Kate/King of pain - UK - AMCD 713
- CDs - silver/white - with double sided Art print, limited edition
All this time - (4'54)/I miss you Kate/King of pain - UK - AMCDR
713 - SS - Picture discgatefold PS, limited edition numbered ( 0179)
All this time - (3'59)/I miss you Kate/King of pain - GER - 390
614 2 - CDs - silver/white
All this time - I miss you Kate - JAP - PCDY-10023 - SP - silver/black
- promo 3", different sleeve, promo sticker on back
All this time - I miss you Kate - JAP - PCDY-10023 - SP - silver/black
- 3", different sleeve
All this time - (3'59)/King/Together (R)/I miss/Someone to watch
- JAP - PCCY-10192 - CD - l green/d green - promo, with red OBI
All this time - (3'59)/King/Together (R)/I miss/Someone to watch
- JAP - PCCY-10192 - CD - l green/d green - with red OBI
All this time - (4'54)/I miss you Kate/King of pain - AUS - 390
614 2 - PS - silver/black - "CD maxiplay" on front, lyrics on back
All this time - (edit, 3'59)/All this time (4'54) - USA - 75021
7486 2 - SPS - white/green - Promo
All this time - (4'54)/I
miss you Kate/King of pain - USA - 75021 2354 2 - DP - white/green
- stock copy with promotional wirtten on disc
All this time - (4'54)/I
miss you Kate/King of pain - USA - 75021 2354 2 - DP - white/green |
Release date : 1991
Category : CD single
7 CD |
Mad about
you - (R)/Tempted/If you love somebody - UK - AMCD 721 -
CDs - yellow/black
Mad about you - (R)/Tempted/If you love somebody - UK - AMCDR 721
- FDP - yellow/black - different sleeve, LTD numbered
Mad about you - (R)/Tempted/If you love somebody - GER - 390 624
2 - CDs - yellow/black
Mad about you - (R)/Tempted/If you love somebody - HOL - 390
624 2 - CDs - silver/black - different disc design
Mad about you - (R)/Tempted/If you love somebody - AUS - 390 627
2 - PS - grey/black - "CD maxiplay" different disc design
Mad about you - (LP V)/Mad about you (MDM) - USA - 75021 7499 2
- PS - white/black-red - Promo
Mad about you - (OR)/Mad
about you (RE)/Mad about you (12"R) - USA - 75021 7294 2 -
PS - white/black - Promo, white PS |
Release date : 1991
Category : CD single
9 CD |
Why should
I cry for you? - (RM)/(LP)/Ne me quitte pas - GER - 867 465 2 -
CDs - white/black - Promo
Why should I cry for you? - Sister
moon/Ne me quitte - GER - 390 796 2 - CDs - white/black
Why should I cry for you? - (E)/(RM)/Muoio/Together
(UV)/Vengo - JAP - PCCY 10236 - CD - silver/black - promo, with
Why should I cry for you? - (E)/(RM)/Muoio/Together (UV)/Vengo -
JAP - PCCY 10236 - CD - silver/black - with OBI, with booklet
Why should I cry for you? - The soul cages - JAP - PCDY 10025 -
SP - silver/black - 3", Promo
Why should I cry for you? - (E)/Together
(UV)/Why should I (LP) - CAN - 75021 2364 2 - DP - silver/black
- disc made in Canada
Why should I cry for you? - USA - 75021
7535 2 - PS - silver/black - Promo
Why should I cry for you? - (RM)/Why
should (LP)/Why should (EM) - USA - 75021 7547 2- PS - silver/black
- Promo, black titled PS
Why should I cry for you? - (E)/Together
(UV)/Why should I (LP) - USA - 75021 2364 2 - DP - silver/black |
Release date : 1991
Category : CD single
6 CD |
The soul cages
- (E)/Walking/Don't stand so/Oo la la hugh - UK - AMCD 759 -
CDs - black/silv-orang
The soul cages - (E)/Walking/Don't stand so/Oo la la hugh - GER
- 390 759 2 - CDs - black/silv-yellow - yellow writings on
The soul cages - (E)/Walking/Don't stand so/Oo la la hugh - GER
- 390 759 2 - FODP - black/silv-orang - different PS, LTD numbered
The soul cages - (E)/Walking/Don't stand so/Oo la la hugh - FRA
- 390 759 2 - CDs - black/silv-orang - little promo sticker
The soul cages - (E)/Walking in your footsteps - AUS - 390 642-2
- PS - silver/yellow-grey - different disc design
The soul cages - (E) - USA - 75021 7530 2 - PS - Picture disc -
Promo, silk screened CD |
Release date : 1992
Category : CD single
8 CD |
It's probably me - (E)/It's
probably me (AV) - UK - AMCD 883 DJ - CDs - red/black - Promo
It's probably me - (E)/It's probably me (AV) - UK - AMCD
883 - CDs - red/black
It's probably me - (E)/It's probably me (LP) - GER - 390 883 2 -
CDs - red/black
It's probably me - (6'21)/It's probably me (5'01) - JAP - PCDY-10033
- SP - silver/black - promo, 3"
It's probably me - (6'21)/It's probably me (5'01) - JAP - PCDY-10033
- SP - silver/black - 3"
It's probably me - (6'21)/It's probably me (5'01) - AUS - 580 012
2 - PS - red/white
It's probably me - (E-4'41)/It's probably me (5'01) - USA - 75021
7391 2 - PS - white/silver-red - Promo
It's probably me - (LP)/It's
probably me ( E) - USA - 75021 2407 2 - CD - white/silver-red
Release date : 1993
Category : CD album
26 CD (20 CD, 3 2CD box set) |
Ten summoner's
tales - UK - 540 075-2DJ - Picture disc - Promo, blank plastic
case with sticker, with promo A&M letter
Ten summoner's tales - UK
- 540 193-2 - black/red - red - Summoner's travels collector's
edition box set with German CD album
Ten summoner's tales - GER
- 540 075-2 - black/red - made in France for distribution in Germany
Ten summoner's tales - GER - 540
997-2- black/red - remastered reissue with video
Ten summoner's tales - FRA - 540
075-2 - Picture disc
summoner's tales - Ukraine - 540 997 2 - ukrenian writtings
Ten summoner's tales - JAP
- POCM-1021 - Picture disc - promo, with Japanese insert and nice
coloured and pictured OBI
Ten summoner's tales - JAP
- POCM-1021 - Picture disc - with Japanese insert and nice coloured
and pictured OBI
Ten summoner's tales - JAP - POCM
9005/6 - Picture - red - Summoner's travels collector's edition
box set with inserts and OBI
Ten summoner's tales - JAP - POCM-2089
- black/red - 11.98 remastered edition reissue with video tracks
Ten summoner's tales - RSA - STARCD
5979- red/black - special issue on recycled paper, red disc design
Ten summoner's tales - Russia -
540 997-9- black/red - remastered reissue with video, 4 pages
booklet, different disc design
Ten summoner's tales - AUS - 540
193-2 - black/red - red - Summoner's travels collector's edition
box set
Ten summoner's tales - USA
- Acetate CDR, in machine writting sleeve, 11 tracks only
Ten summoner's tales - USA
- 3145480292 - black/yellow - Promo, interview CD with complete
different PS
Ten summoner's tales - USA
- 31454 0070 2 - black/red - Promo, "Promotional" written
on disc, 11 tracks only
Ten summoner's tales -
USA - 75021 0085-2 - black/red - very rare
first issue in long box, original sticker, 11 tracks only
Ten summoner's tales - USA - 31454
0070 2 - black/red - 11 tracks only, slightly different booklet
Ten summoner's tales - USA - 71021-51052-2-2
- black/red - DTS digital surround 99 reissue, special DTS case
Ten summoner's tales - USA - 71021-51052-2-2
- black/red - DTS digital surround 99 reissue
Ten summoner's tales - KOR
- 540 075-2/DA 0221 - black/silver - slightly different sleeve,
complete different back, disc and booklet
Ten summoner's tales - Taiwan - 540 075-2 - black/red
- German CD with special chinese OBI with contest part
summoner's tales - Taiwan - 540 075-2 - black/red - German CD
with special chinese OBI without contest part |
Release date : 1993
Category : Promotional Japanese CD compilation
1 CD |
Best for D.J - JAP - DCI-3084 - black/silver - promotional compilation
with "Fields" sleeve, very rare |
Release date : 1993
Category : CD single
20 CD |
I ever lose my faith in you - All time/Mad/Every - UK - AMCD 0172DJ
- CDs - Y Picture disc - Promo, CDs1
If I ever lose my faith in you - All this time/Mad about/Every breath
- UK - AMCD 0172- CDs - Y Picture disc - CDs1
If I ever lose my faith in you - Message in/Tea in Sahara/Walking
moon - UK - AMCDR 0172 - FDP - Picture disc - Promo, CDs2
If I ever lose my faith in you - Message in/Tea in Sahara/Walking
moon - UK - AMCDR 0172 - FDP - Picture disc - CDs2
If I ever lose my faith in you - Every breath - GER - 580 172 2
- PS - black/silver - Red writing, "2 tracks CD" made
in France
If I ever lose my faith in you - Every breath - GER - 580
172 2 - PS - black/silver - Red writing, "2 tracks CD"
comes in A4 polydor promo folder
If I ever lose my faith in you - Message /Tea /Walking - GER - 580
173 2 - CDs - R Picture disc -CDs1, unplugged sticker on case
If I ever lose my faith in you - All this time/Mad about you/Every
breath - GER - 580 175 2 - CDs - Y Picture disc - CDs2
If I ever lose my faith in you - Every breath you take- FRA - 580
172 2 - PS - black/silver - CDs1, red writing "CD 2 titres"
If I ever lose my faith in you - Message in a bottle - FRA - 580
174 2 - PS - black/silver - CDs2, yellow writing, "CD 2 titres"
If I ever lose my faith in you - Every breath/All this time - FRA
- 580 201 2 - CDs- silver/black - CDs1 , red writing
If I ever lose my faith in you - Message in a bottle/Tea in Sahara
- FRA - 580 203 2 - CDs - silver/black - CDs2, yellow writing
If I ever lose my faith in you - Every breath - JAP - PODM-1008
- SP - silver/black - 3", Promo
If I ever lose my faith in you - All this time/Mad about/every -
JAP - POCM-1022 - CDs - red picture disc - 5" Promo, sticker on
If I ever lose my faith in you - All /Mad /Every - JAP - POCM-1022
- CDs - R Picture disc - with coloured OBI, insert and disco
If I ever lose my faith in you - All this
time/Mad about/Every breath - JAP - POCM-1022 - CDs - R Picture
disc - with different OBI
If I ever lose my faith in you - Every
/Message/All - TAIW - 580 187 2 - CDs - R Picture disc - with Taiwan
writting and little card
If I ever lose my faith in you - Every breath/Message/All this time
- AUS - 580 191 2 - CDs - black/yellow
If I ever lose my faith in you - USA - 31458 8091 2 - DP - Y Picture
disc - Promo
If I ever lose my faith in you - /Everybody
laughed/January/Work black seam - USA - 31458 0111 2 - CD - Picture
disc |
Release date : 1993
Category : CD single
6 CD |
Seven days
- (RE)/January/Mad about/Sunshine - UK - 580 223 2 - CDs - black/white-yell
- CDs1
Seven days - (RE)/Islands/Wild sea/Soul cages - UK - 580 225 2 DJ
- FDP - black/white-yell - Promo, CDs2 with promo sticker
Seven days - (RE)/Islands/Wild sea/Soul cages - UK - 580 225 2 -
FDP - black/white-yell - CDs2
Seven days - (RE)/January stars - GER - 580 222 2 - PS - black/yellow
- "2 tracks CD", made in France
Seven days - (RE)/January/Mad about/Sunshine - GER - 580 223 2 -
CDs- black/white-yell
Seven days - (RE)/January/Mad about/Sunshine - AUS - 580 223 2 -
PS - black/yellow |
Release date : 1993
Category : CD single
13 CD |
of gold - /King of pain/Fragile/Purple haze - UK - 580 301
2 DJ- CDs - yellow/black- Promo, CDs1 with promo sticker
Fields of gold - /King of pain/Fragile/Purple haze - UK -
580 301 2 - CDs - yellow/black- CDs1
Fields of gold - /Message/Fortress around/Roxanne - UK - 580 303
2 DJ - FDP - yellow/black - Promo, CDs2 with promo sticker
Fields of gold - /Message/Fortress around/Roxanne - UK - 580 303
2 - FDP - yellow/black - CDs2
Fields of gold - /King of pain - GER - 580 288 2 - PS - yellow/black
- "2 track CD", made in France
Fields of gold - /King of pain/Fragile - GER - 580 289 2 - CDs -
Fields of gold - /King of pain - FRA - 580 288 2 - PS - yellow/black
- "CD 2 titres"
Fields of gold - /King of pain/Fragile - FRA - 580 289 2 - CDs -
Fields of gold - /King of pain - JAP - PODM-1013 - SP - yellow/black
- 3", Promo
Fields of gold - /King of pain - JAP - PODM-1013 - SP - yellow/black
- 3"
Fields of gold - /King of pain/Fragile/Purple haze - AUS - 580 3012
- PS - yellow/black
Fields of gold - USA - 31458 8111 2 - DP - Picture disc -
Fields of gold - /Bring on/When the world/Purple haze - USA - 31458
0299 2 - CD - Picture disc - little booklet, with sticker on case
Release date : 1993
Category : CD single
6 CD |
Shape of my
heart - /Soul cages/Wild sea/All this timE - UK - 580 353
2 - CDs - black/white - CDs1
Shape of my heart - /Walking/Ne
me quitte/Fragilidad - UK - 580 355 2DJ - DP - black/white - Promo,
CDs2 with promotional sticker
Shape of my heart - /Walking/Ne me quitte/Fragilidad
- UK - 580 355 2 - DP - black/white - CDs2
Shape of my heart - /Walking - GER - 580
352-2 - PS - black/white - "CD 2 titles" made in france for Germany
Shape of my heart - /A day in the life/Ne
me quitte/Fragilidad - CAN - 314 580 501 2 - CDs - black/white -
with little sticker on case
Shape of my heart - (SV)/Shape of my heart
(LV) - USA - 31458 8245 2 - DP - black/red - Promo, different design,
Grammy sticker
Release date : 1993/1994
Category : CD single
9 CD |
me - /If ever(MOSM)/If ever(HM)/Demolition (S12"M) -
UK - DJ 580 529 2 - CDs - Picture disc - Promo
Nothing'bout me - /If ever(MOSM)/If ever(HM)/Demolition (S12"M)
- UK - 580 529 2 - CDs - Picture disc - sticker on case
Nothing'bout me - (R)/If I ever lose (MOSE 4'43) - GER - 580 528
2 - PS - Picture disc - "2 CD titles" made in France
Nothing'bout me - /If ever(MOSM)/If ever(HM)/Demolition (S12"M)
- GER - 580 529 2 - CDs - Picture disc
Nothing'bout me - (R)/If I ever lose (MOSE 4'43) - FRA - 580 528
2 - PS - Picture disc - Mistake: If I ever lose = 7'16, "CD
2 titres"
Nothing'bout me - (R)/January stars - JAP - PODM-1026 - SP - black/silver
- Promo 3" with sticker on front and writting on disc
Nothing'bout me - (R)/January stars - JAP - PODM-1026 - SP - black/silver
- 3"
Nothing'bout me - (RWHI)/Nothing' (R)/Nothing (LPWF) - USA - 31458
81382 2 - DP - yellow/black - Promo
Nothing'bout me - (remix)/Sting comenta.../Nothing (LP) - MEX
- CDs/N 208 - CDsblack/silver - Promo, complete different sleeve
Release date : 1993
Category : CD single
3 CD |
She's too
good for me - January stars - FRA - 580 398 2 - PS - black/yellow
- title in yellow on PS
She's too good for me - January stars -
FRA - 580 398 2 - PS - black/yellow - reissue, title in white on
She's too good for me - January/Mad about/Sunshine
- FRA - 580 399 2 - CDs - black/yellow - title in white on PS
Release date : 1993
Category : CD single
2 CD |
Love is stronger
than justice - (E)/Why should I cry for you - GER - 580 370
2 - PS - black/yellow - "2 tracks CD" made in France
Love is stronger than justice - (E)/Wild sea/angels/Purple - GER
- 580 371 2 - CDs - black/yellow |
Release date : 1993
Category : CD EP
8 CD |
man - GER - 540 162-2 - blue/black
Demolition man - JAP - POCM-1052 - grey/grey - promo, red sticker
on back, promo writting on disc with coloured OBI and insert
Demolition man - JAP - POCM-1052 - grey/grey - with coloured OBI
and insert
Demolition man - CAN - 31454 0162 2 - blue/blue
Demolition man - USA - 31454 0162 2
- blue/blue - Promo, "promotional" written in white on
the CD
Demolition man - USA - 31454 0162 2
- blue/blue
Demolition man - KOR - 540 162-2/DA0632 - blue/light blue - different
sleeve design, slightly different booklet with Koran biography
Demolition man - Taiwan - 540 162-2 - blue/black - with special
OBI, 2 post cards & chinese caracters on back |
Release date : 1993
Category : CD single
11 CD |
man - (SPRM)/Demolition (FV)/King/Shape - UK - 580 451
2 - CDs - blue-bl/silver - promo, CDs1 with promo sticker
man - (SPRM)/Demolition (FV)/King/Shape - UK - 580 451
2 - CDs - blue-bl/silver - CDs1
Demolition man - (SPM)/Demolition (FV)/Probably/Day in - UK -
580 453 2DJ - DP - blue-bl/silver - Promo, CDs2 with promo sticker
Demolition man - (SPM)/Demolition (FV)/Probably/Day in - UK -
580 453 2 - DP - blue-bl/silver - CDs2
Demolition man - (5'27) - SPA - DEMOL -1 2 - CDs - silver/black
- Promo
Demolition man - Love is stronger than justice - JAP - PODM-1020
- SP - silver/black - Promo with sticker on back and writting
on disc
Demolition man - Love is stronger than justice - JAP - PODM-1020
- SP - silver/black - 3", orange PS
man - (LP)/King of pain/Shape of my heart - AUS - 580 429 2 -
CD - blue/white - states
3 tracks and play 3
Demolition man - (LP)/King
of pain/Shape of my heart - AUS - 580 429 2 - CD - blue/white
- states 3 tracks but play 6
Demolition man - Demolition
(edit 1)/Demolition (edit 2) - USA - 31458 8198 2 - SPS - silver/orang-pur
- Promo, orange PS
Demolition man - (SRWR)/(JHHM)/(SM)/(HHD)/(RTM) - USA - 31458
0465 2 - CDs - Picture disc - Promo, no PS, sticker on clear case. |
THE BEST OF STING - 1984 . 1994
Release date : 1994
Category : CD compilation
24 CD |
of gold - The best of Sting - UK
- 540 307-2 - yellow/black - with "Demolition" "Seven"
" Nothing" made in Germany
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - GER - 540 321-2 - yellow/black
- with "Love stronger", German issue with German sticker
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - GER - 540 321-2 - yellow/black
- 2000 special edition in gold metal box set, limited & numbered
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - EEC - 540 286-2 - yellow/black
- Digitally remastered reissue
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - FRA - 540 286-2 - yellow/black
- with French sticker
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - ITA - 540 293-2 - yellow/black
- with "Muoio per te", made in France for Italy, Italian
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - SPA - 540 314-2 - yellow/black
- with "Fragilidad", Spanish sticker
of gold - The best of Sting - Ukraine - 540 286 2 - ukrenian writtings
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - China - SCD-237 - yellow/black
- chinese writting on front, back & disc, different leaflet
& track listing Fields
of gold - The best of Sting - Russia - 540 286-9 - yellow/black
- remastered reissue with video, different booklet Fields
of gold - The best of Sting - JAP - POCM-1095 - yellow/black
- promo, 3" CD of "Take me", red OBI, 2 different
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - JAP
- POCM-1095 - yellow/black - 3" CD of "Take me",
red OBI, 2 different inserts Fields
of gold - The best of Sting - JAP
- POCM-1095 - yellow/black - 3" CD of "Take me",
different red OBI, 2 different inserts Fields
of gold - The best of Sting - JAP
- POCM-9033 - yellow/black - best 2000 special issue with yellow
obi, no 3" CD
Fields of gold - The best of Sting
- UICY-2511 - yellow/black - 3" CD of "Take me",
blue OBI, 2002 reissue Fields
of gold - The best of Sting - AUS - 540 286-2 - silver/black
- different disc design
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - USA - 31458 8357 2 -
yellow/black - Promo, "Nuggets from Fields of gold" sampler CD in
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - USA - 31454 0269 2 - yellow/black
- only 14 tracks, with "Fortress HPM" and "Be still"
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - Brazil - 540 286-2 - 2002 "Minha
historia internatinal" reissue, special design
of gold - The best of Sting - Argentina - 540 314-2 - EU track listing
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - KOR - 540 286-2/DA 1089 - yellow/black
- different disc design, different booklet (not leaflet)
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - Malaysia - 540 286 2 - yellow/black
- digitally remastered gold CD + Universal gold award CD
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - Taiwan - 540 286 - 2 - Europe
CD with chinese OBI
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - Taiwan - 540 286 - 2 - Taiwan
CD with different OBI
Fields of gold - The best of Sting - Taiwan - 540 286 2 - gold edition
box set CD with exclusive Sting desk calendar 2000 illustrated |
Release date : 1994
Category : CD single
16 CD |
When we dance
- (4'20) - UK - 1032281 01 - CDs - silver/black - Promo-Reference
CD, orange sticker on inside PS
When we dance - (4'20) - UK - 1032281 01 - CDs - silver/black -
Promo-Reference CD, "DJ edit" sticker on PS, different
When we dance - (E)/Fortress (HPR)/Dance (AV)/Set free (SM) - UK
- 580 859 2 - CDs - yellow/black - CDs1
When we dance - (E)/If you love somebody (SRM)/(SDD)/(SHHM) - UK
- 580 861 2 - DP - black/yellow - CDs2, with different PS
When we dance - (E)/Set them free (SHM) - GER - 580 846 2 - PS -
yellow/black - "CD 2 titles"
When we dance - (SE-4'20)/(E-4'56)/(LP-5'57) - GER - 588 356 2 -
CDs - yellow/black - Promo
When we dance - (E)/Fortress (HPR)/Set free (SM)/Set free (SDD)
- GER - 580 847 2 - CDs - yellow/black
When we dance - (E)/Set them free (SHM) - FRA - 580 846 2 - PS -
yellow/black - "CD 2 titres"
When we dance - Take me to the sunshine - JAP - PODM-1044 - SP -
silver/black - 3", Promo
When we dance - Take me to the sunshine - JAP - PODM-1044 - SP -
silver/black - 3"
When we dance - Take me/Fortress (HPR)/Demolition (SR) - JAP - POCM-1109
- CDs - silver/black - Promo, sticker on leaflet
When we dance - Take me/Fortress (HPR)/Demolition (SR) - JAP - POCM-1109
- CDs - silver/black - with yellow OBI and insert
When we dance - (E)/If you love (SRM)/(SHH)/Demolition (SM) - AUS
- 580 854 2 - SPS - yellow/black
When we dance - (E)/When we dance (LP) - USA - 31458 8354 2 - SPS
- yellow/black - Promo
When we dance - (E)/If you love (SRM)/(SHH)/Demolition (SM) - USA
- 61458 0854 2 - CD - yellow/black - little booklet
When we dance - Hot new single mix and edit (3 classic radio mix)
- USA - 31458 8398 2 - NCD - yellow/black - Promo, stickered case |
Release date : 1995
Category : CD single
14 CD |
This cowboy
song - (RFPB) - UK- without- CD- white/blue- promo CDr, "Masterpiece"
blue drawing sleeve, machine writting label
This cowboy song - (RFPB) - UK - 10337151 01 - CDs - silver/black
- Promo-Reference CD, Big orange sticker on case
This cowboy song - (RFPB)/If
(BIRE)/IF (ABIRS)/Demolition (SE) - UK - 580 957 2 - CDs - tan/black
- CDs1 with two promo stickers
This cowboy song - (RFPB)/If
(BIRE)/IF (ABIRS)/Demolition (SE) - UK - 580 957 2 - CDs - tan/black
- CDs1 with sticker on case
This cowboy song - (RFPB)/Cowboy
(EM)/When we (CR)/Take me to - UK - 580 965 2 - DP - tan/black -
CDs2, different PS, LTD
This cowboy song - (RFPB)/If
you love somebody (BIRE) - GER - 580 956 2 - PS - tan/black
This cowboy song - (RFPB)/If
(BIRE)/IF (ABIRS)/Demolition (SE) - GER - 580 957 2 - CDs - tan/black
- Terminal velocity orange sticker
This cowboy song - (RFPB)/If
you love somebody (BIRE) - FRA - 580 956 2 - PS - tan/black
This cowboy song - (RFPB)/If
you love somebody (BIRE) - SPA - 580 956 2 - PS - silver/black
- Promo
This cowboy song - (RFPB)/If
you love somebody (BIRE) - SPA - 580 956 2 - PS - tan/black
- "40 Principales" logo on sleeve
This cowboy song - (RFPB)/If
you love somebody (BIRE) - JAP - PODM-1049 - SP - silver/black
- promo, stamped promo writting on disc, 3"
This cowboy
song - (RFPB)/If
you love somebody (BIRE) - JAP - PODM-1049 - SP - silver/black
- 3"
This cowboy song - (RFPB)/If
(BIRE)/If (ABIRS)/Demolition (SE) - AUS - 580 957 2 - PS - tan/black
This cowboy song - (LPE)/(LPV)/(SRMWT)/(SRM)
- USA - 31458 8404 2 - NCD - silver/red-bla - Promo, case
with big picture sticker |
Release date : 1994
Category : CD single
2 CD |
Take me to
the sunshine -
PODM-9901 - 3"PS - silver/black - paper PS, comes with "Best
of" JAP CD
Take me to the sunshine -
UIDX-1002 - 3"PS - silver/black - paper PS, comes with "Best
of" JAP CD reissue 2002
Release date : 1994
Category : CD single
1CD |
If you
love somebody set them free -
GER - 581 088 2 - PS - yellow/black - "CD 1 title", with
Best of sleeve |
Release date : 1995
Category : CD single
1 CD |
- (MPV 2'52)/(SAV-5'20) - USA - AMCDP
00128 - PS - silver/black-red - Promo, with "Sabrina"
sleeve |
Release date : 1996
Category : CD album
26 CD (24 CD, 1 2CD) |
Mercury falling - UK - 540 486-2 - purple/silver - with
card, made in Germany, purple/brown design
Mercury falling - UK
- FALLCD1 - black/purple - Promo, CDs case with special promotional
Mercury falling - UK
- STING.INT - silver/black - Promo, interview CD, CDs case with
special promotional sleeve
Mercury falling - GER
- 540 998-2 - gold/silver - brown/purple design, remastered reissue
with video
Mercury falling - GER - 540 998-2
- purple/silver - purple/brown design, remastered reissue with
Mercury falling - FRA
- 6259 - silver/black - Promo, CD without sleeve in special 32
pages press kit in A&M folder
Mercury falling - FRA
- 6263 - gold/black - Promo, sampler in 2xA4 cardboard sleeve,
signed by Sting on front
Mercury falling - FRA
- 540 486 2 - gold/silver - signed by Sting, Trudie, K.Kirkland,
B.Thomas and C.Gayton (15.04.96)
falling - Ukraine - 540 998 2 - ukrenian writtings
Mercury falling - CHI
- ISRC CN F05-96-449... - brown/silver - complete different booklet,
chinese writting on CD, back and spine
Mercury falling - RSA
- Promo 60 - white/black - Promo, "Interview with Brandford Marsalis"
in special cardboard picture sleeve
Mercury falling - Israel - 540 486
2 - made by Helicon records, little logo on disc.
Mercury falling - JAP - POCM-1165
- gold/silver - Promo, with purple OBI and insert,
gold/black & white design
Mercury falling - JAP - POCM-1165
- gold/silver - with purple OBI and insert, gold/black &
white design
Mercury falling - JAP - POCM-1165 - gold/silver - CD comes in
Virgin metal box set, promo issue
Mercury falling - JAP - POCM-2090
- grey/silver - 11.98 remastered edition reissue with video tracks
Mercury falling - AUS - 540 636
2 - gold/silver - Z pack 2 CD set, special bonus CD (blue/white)
with live 91 and remixes
Mercury falling - CAN
- AMCD 022696 - white/silver - Promo, full album, promotional
green sleeve, CDs case
Mercury falling - USA
- AMSAD 00217 - tan/white - Promo, "world premiere" interview
disc in CDs case with big sticker
Mercury falling - USA
- 31454 0483 ADV - purple/white - Promo, special plastic wallet
with two sided 5" cover, "Advanced copy"
Mercury falling - USA - 31454 0483
2 - purple/silver - without "Twenty five to midnight",
bluest purple
Mercury falling - USA - D112208 - purple/silver - BMG issue
Mercury falling - MEX - CDETVN 540
486-2 - gold/silver - with spanish credits on back
Mercury falling - KOR - 540 486-2
- yellow/silver - gold/black design, with Koran biography, unique
colour of disc
Mercury falling - Taiwan - 540 486
2 - gold/silver - German CD with special OBI & special pictured
insert |
Release date : 1996
Category : CD single
27 CD |
Let your
soul be your pilot - (E) - UK- without- CD- gold/hand- promo CDr,
"Tape to tape" mastering sleeve, hand writing on CD
Let your soul be your pilot - (A&G classic 7") - UK- without-
CD- gold/hand- promo CDr, "Tape to tape" mastering sleeve
Let your soul be your pilot - (A&G division 7" master
- UK- without- CD- gold/hand- promo CDr, "Tape to tape"
mastering sleeve
Let your soul be your pilot - (E) - UK- PilotCD1- CDs- silver/black-
Promo-Reference CD, with two stickers
Let your soul be your pilot - (E)/Englishman(LP)/Bed's (VM)/Let
(LP) - UK- 581331 2- DP- gold-yel/red- with promo stickers
Let your soul be your pilot - (E)/Englishman(LP)/Bed's (VM)/Let
(LP) - UK- 581331 2- DP- gold/red- with sticker and card for SIS
Let your soul be your pilot - remixes by A&G division - UK-
581155 2- CDs- green/red- brown/green writing on sleeve
Let your soul be your pilot - (E)/Englishman (LP) - GER- 581 330
2- PS- gold/red- "CD 2 titles"
Let your soul be your pilot - (E) - GER- 588 409 2- CDs - pink/black-gold-
Let your soul be your pilot - (E)/Englishman(LP)/Bed's (VM)/Let
(LP) - GER- 580 331 2- DP- gold/red
Let your soul be your pilot - remixes by A&G division - GER-
581155 2- CDs- green/red- brown/green writing on sleeve
Let your soul be your pilot - remixes by A&G division: (C7")/(FTM)/(GDM)
- GER- 581 503 2- CDs- yellow/brown- brown/gold sleeve
Let your soul be your pilot - (E)/Englishman (LP) - FRA- 581 330
2- PS- gold/red- "CD 2 titres"
Let your soul be your pilot - (E) - SPA- 588 409 2- CDs- pink/black-gold-
Promo, German promo issue with Spanish tour date sticker
your soul be your pilot - remixes by A&G division - Poland -
581155 2- CDs- German CD with promo polish stamp on front
Let your soul be your pilot - remixes by A&G division - RSA
- SINCD 252- PS- yellow/gold- brown/gold- writing on sleeve,
rare issue
Let your soul be your pilot - (LP)/Englishman (LP) - JAP- PODM-1056-
SP- silver/black- 3", promo, sticker on back, writting on disc
Let your soul be your pilot - (LP)/Englishman (LP) - JAP- PODM-1056-
SP- silver/black- 3", brown back PS
Let your soul be your pilot - (LP)/Bed's too big (VM)/Someone to/Englishman
- JAP- POCM-1164- CDvgold/red- Promo, sticker on back
Let your soul be your pilot - (LP)/Bed's too big (VM)/Someone to/Englishman
- JAP- POCM-1164- CDvgold/red- little booklet, with OBI
Let your soul be your pilot - (E)/Englishman(LP)/Bed's (VM)/Let
(LP) - AUS- 581 331 2- PS- red/silver
Let your soul be your pilot - (E)/(LP) - USA- AMCDP 00164- DP- gold/brown-
Let your soul be your pilot - (E)/The bed too big without you (VM)
- USA- 31458 1456 2- PS- gold/brown- brown back PS
Let your soul be your pilot - (LP)/Bed's too big (VM)/Someone to/Englishman
- USA- 31458 1457 2- CD- gold/brown- little booklet
Let your soul be your pilot - (LP)/Bed's too big (VM)/Someone
to/Englishman - MEX- 31458 1457 2- CD- gold/red- credits in
Let your soul be your pilot - remixes by A&G division:(CE)/(FTM)/(GDM)/(GDD)
- MEX- 5811552- CD- yellow/pink- brown/green writing
Let your soul be your pilot - (E)/(LP) - BRA - 2802 012 - purple/black
- rare promotional CD in portection sleeve |
Release date : 1996
Category : CD single
17 CD |
You still
touch me - (E) - UK- without- CD- gold/hand- promo CDr, "Tape
to tape" mastering sleeve, hand writing on CD
You still touch me - (E) - UK- 581 545 2- CDs- silver/black- Promo-Reference
CD, with two stickers and promo A&M letter
You still touch me - (E) - UK- 588 386 2- CDs- green/silver- Promo,
with PS
You still touch me - (E)/Lullaby to an anxious.../Beneath a desert.../(LP)
- UK- 581 545 2- DP- d green/l green- with sticker
You still touch me - (E)/Sister moon (HCCM)/Sister moon (HCDM) -
UK- 581 547 2- CDs- pink/green- B&W sleeve
You still touch me - (E)/Sister moon (HCDM) - GER- 581 566 2- PS-
green/silver- "CD 2 titles"
You still touch me - (E)/Lullaby to.../Beneath .../Sister moon (HCCM)
- GER- 581 567 2- CDs- green/silver
You still touch me - (E)/Sister moon (HCDM) - FRA- 581 566 2- PS-
green/silver- "CD 2 titres"
You still touch me - (E)/Valparaiso/Lullaby/Beneath/Sister (HCCM)
- JAP- POCM-1167- CDs- silver/green- promo, red sticker on back
You still touch me - (E)/Valparaiso/Lullaby/Beneath/Sister (HCCM)
- JAP- POCM-1167- CDs- silver/green- white and green OBI
You still touch me - (E)/Valparaiso/Lullaby/Beneath/Sister (HCCM)
- JAP- POCM-1167- CDs- green/silver- white and green OBI
You still touch me - (E)/Lullaby to.../Beneath .../Sister moon (HCCM)
- AUS- 581 567 2- PS- green/silver
You still touch me - (E)/You still touch me (LP) - USA- AMCDP 00207-
SPS- l green/d green- Promo, fold out cardboard sleeve
You still touch me - (E)/Twenty five to midnight- USA- 31458 1582
2- PS- l green/d green
You still touch me - (LP)/Lullaby/Pirate's bride/Twenty five to-
USA- 31458 1583 2- CD- l green/d green- little booklet, green sticker
You still touch me - (Album version) - MEX- CDP 404- PS- picture
disc- Promo, in polygram protection sleeve
You still touch me - (E)/Lullaby/Pirate's bride/Sister moon (HCCM)
- MEX- 581 567 2- CD- silver/green- little booklet, credits in spanish
Release date : 1996
Category : CD single
12 CD |
I was brought
to my senses - Steve Lipson remix - UK - without - CD - gold/hand
- promo CDr, "Metropolis" mastering sleeve
I was brought to my senses - Steve Lipson remix - UK - 588 493 2
- CDs - blue/silver - Promo, blue sleeve
I was brought to my senses - edit - UK- 588 48 2 - CDs- blue/silver-
Promo, special gold sleeve with black writings
I was brought to my senses - edit - UK - 588 481 2 - CDs - silver/black
- Promo, insert as German issue (yellow spine)
I was brought to my senses - (SLR)/This was never meant to be/Pirate's
bride/(LP) - UK- 581 889 2 - CDs - blue/silver - brown sleeve
I was brought to my senses - (SLR)/When we dance/If I ever lose/Set
them free - UK - 581 891 2 - DP - blue/silver - blue sleeve
I was brought to my senses - (SLR)/When we dance/If I ever lose/Set
them free - UK - 581 891 2 - DP - blue/silver - blue sleeve, different
I was brought to my senses - (E)/This was never meant to be - GER
- 581 788 2 - PS - blue/silver - "CD 2 titles"
I was brought to my senses - (E)/This was never meant to be/Pirate's
bride/(LP) - GER - 581 789 2 - CDs - blue/silver - brown sleeve
was brought to my senses - (SLR)/When dance/If I ever lose/Set them
free - GER/Sweden - 581 891-2 - CDs - German CD with promo sticker
I was brought to my senses - (SLR)/This was never meant to be/Pirate's
bride/(LP) - JAP - POCM 1192 - CDs - blue/silver - Promo
I was brought to my senses - (SLR)/This was never meant to be/Pirate's
bride/(LP) - JAP - POCM 1192 - CDs - blue/silver |
Release date : 1996
Category : CD single
13 CD |
I'm so happy
I can't stop crying - UK - 582 029 2 - CDs - silver/black
- Promo-Reference CD, with two stickers
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - UK - 588 498 2 - CDs - blue/green
- Promo, blue with green writing PS
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - Fields /Englishman/7 days - UK
- 582 029 2 - CDs - green/blue-silv - green sleeve, promo stickers
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - Fields /Englishman/7 days - UK
- 582 029 2 - CDs - green/blue-silv - green sleeve with blue writing
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - Giacomo's/Moonlight/Fragilidad
- UK - 582 031 2 - CDs - blue/green-silv - blue sleeve green writing
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - Giacomo's blues - GER - 581 992
2 - PS - blue/green-silv - blue sleeve green writing, "CD 2
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - Giacomo's/Moonlight/La belle-
GER - 581 993 2 - CDs - blue/green-silv - blue sleeve green writing
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - SPA - STING3 2 - PS - silver/black
- Promo, different PS: "Mercury falling" PS
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - Giacomo's/Moonlight/La belle
- AUS - 581 993 2PS - blue/green-sil - blue sleeve with green writing
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - USA - AMCDP 00293 - PS - silver/pur-yell
- Promo, "Mercury back" PS
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - (RE-3'43)/I'm so happy (LP-3'56)
- USA - AMCDP 00328 - CDs - white/purple - Promo, sticker case
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - This was never meant to be -
USA - 31458 1982 2 - PS - purple/gold - "Mercury back"
I'm so happy I can't stop crying - This was /Giacomo's/Beneath -
USA - 31458 1983 2 - CD - gold/pur-silv - "Mercury back"
PS |
Release date : 1995
Category : CD single
2 CD |
Sting live
at TFI Friday - UK - without - CD - gold/hand - promo CDr, "Metropolis"
mastering sleeve, hand writing on CD
Sting live at TFI Friday - You still touch/Lithium/Message in a
bottle- UK- 581 765 2- CDs- purple/white- Limited edition
Release date : 1997
Category : CD compilation
3 CD |
at the movies - JAP - POCM 1553
- green/white - promo, special compilation, with two booklets and
red OBI
Sting at the movies - JAP -
POCM 1553 - green/white - special compilation, with two booklets
and red OBI
Sting at the movies - KOR - 540 810-2/DA3425 - black/white - special
compilation, with Korean biography |
Release date : 1997
Category : promotional CD single
1 CD |
It ain't necessarily so (RE)-
USA - SACDVER37 - picture disc- promo CD, with Joe Henderson, with
back sleeve |
Release date : 1998
Category : promotional CD compilation
2 CD |
remastered - UK - 588 626 2
- picture disc - promotional 6 tracks sampler with audio track from
each album |
Release date : 1998
Category : promotional CD single
1 CD |
The Mighty - USA - 61868 30036
2 3 - picture disc - movie soundtrack 1 track promo CD |
Release date : 1999
Category : CD album
40 CD (28 CD + 2 DVD + 5 2CD) |
Brand new day - UK - ADV/490
451-2 - white/black - CDr acetate, special white disc design,
black photocopy inlay sleeve
Brand new day - Europe - ADV/490 451 2 - black/silver - promotional
CD in black sleeve, with "prelude to end of the game"
Brand new day - Europe/Germany - 490 873-2 - white/green-silver
- with 5 tracks bonus disc
Brand new day - FRA - without - white/black - promo 6 tracks
sampler, slightly different versions
Brand new day - FRA - without - white/black - promo 5 tracks sampler
Brand new day - FRA - 490 451 2 - white/green-silver - light green
writing, with French sticker on front, "made in EU"
Brand new day - FRA - 490 642-2 - white/green-silver - reissue
with "Desert rose remix" bonus track
Brand new day - RUS - 490 425 2 - silver/black - totally different
design, probably a bootleg
new day - Ukraine - 490 429 9- ukrenian writtings
Brand new day - JAP - POCM-1281 - white/green-silver - promo,
with "Windmills of your mind", with OBI, special Japanese lyrics
Brand new day - JAP - POCM-1281 - white/green-silver - with "Windmills
of your mind", with OBI, special Japanese lyrics booklet
Brand new day - JAP - 4DCP-3081 - white/silver - promotional
3 tracks sampler in special designed sleeve
Brand new day - AUS - 490 450 2 -
white/green-silver - with "The end of the game"
Brand new day - CAN - UMD99197 - silver/black - promotional
CD, white/black back inlay, with "End of the game" as last track
Brand new day - CAN - 0694904432 - white/green-silver - dark green
writings, without EPK
Brand new day - USA - without - silver/black - promo CDr, with
white/black back inlay
Brand new day - USA - 0694904432 - white/green-silver - dark green
writings, without EPK, commercial CD with promo sticker
Brand new day - USA - 69286-01061-2-3 - white/green-silver - DTS
issue in special package
Brand new day - USA - DVDA004 - picture disc - promo audio
DVD, with special features
Brand new day - USA - B0001047-19 - white/green-silver - 2003
DVD audio reissue, with after the rain radio mix video
Brand new day - USA - B0002428-36 - white/green-silver - 2004
SCA reissue
Brand new day - ARG - 490 425 2 - white/green-silver - light green
writing, 1 page different in booklet
Brand new day - Brazil - 60694906852 - white/green-silver - with
Perfect love - portuguese rap & Desert rose remix bonus track
new day - Korea - DA5201 - promo CD, black disc
Brand new day - Korea -DA 5201 - white/black-green - with special
desert rose key ring, Korean OBI on the side
Brand new day - Korea - DA8180 - white/green/silver - with 5 tracks
bonus disc, OBI
Brand new day - Hong Kong - 99643 - in special box set, with 5
bonus tracks, slightly different design, xith post card
Brand new day - Taiwan - Sting001 - picture disc - 1999 4 tracks
sampler, special sleeve and back sleeve
Brand new day - Taiwan - 490 425-2 - with light green OBI card,
biography on back
Brand new day - Taiwan - CD99456 - purple/silver - High definition
CD , quietly different design, with carboard inlay glued on front.
Brand new day - Singapore - 490 425 -2 - white/green-silver -
ltd gold disc, with white/red mug
Brand new day - Singapore - 490 873-2 - white/green-silver - 2CD
set with cardbord slip case, with 5 tracks bonus disc
Brand new day - Malaysia - 490 873 2 - white/green-silver - with
5 tracks bonus disc
Brand new day - Colombia - 490 425-2 - white/green-silver
Brand new day - India - 490 873-2 - white/green-silver - spercial
edition with special design, with 5 tracks bonus disc |
29, 1999
Release date : 2000
Category : Promotional live CD
1CD |
Live at Universal amphitheatre October 29, 1999 - USA
- without - tan/brown- promotional 12 live track CD |
Release date : 2000
Category : CD compilation
2CD |
Brand new day The remixes - JAP
- POCM-1300 - white/yellow/black - promo, with OBI and lyrics
Brand new day The remixes - JAP
- POCM-1300 - white/yellow/black - with OBI and lyrics insert |
Release date : 2000
Category : Compilation CD EP
1CD |
Still be love in the world - USA
- 490 887 2- blue/silver - 7 tracks CD issued by US Target stores |
Release date : 1999
Category : CD single
20 CD |
Brand new
day - (Murlyn radio mix) - UK - without - plastic sleeve
- black/silver - acetate CDr with white title sleeve, sticker on
Brand new day - (RE) - UK - 497 113 2 - PS - yellow/black - Promo,
promotional sleeve (sting on a roof)
Brand new day - (MRM) / (MEX) - UK - 497 163-2 - yellow/black -
promo, Murlyn remix sticker, yellow sleeve
Brand new day - (edit) / End of the game / Windmills of your mind
- UK - 497 152-2 - CDs - blue/silver - blue sleeve
Brand new day - (edit) / Fields of gold / Englishman in New York
- UK - 497 153-2 - CDs - yellow/silver - yellow sleeve
Brand new day - (edit) / Windmills / End of the game / (LP version)
- GER - 497 136-2 - CDs - blue/blue - blue sleeve blue title
Brand new day - (edit) / Fields of gold / Englishman / Let your
soul - GER - 497 137-2 - CDs - blue/red - blue sleeve red
Brand new day - (edit) / (LP version) - GER - 497 134 2 - PS - blue/black
- blue sleeve, black title
Brand new day - (RE) - Sweden - 497 113 2 - PS - yellow/black -
UK promo CD with info sticker on back
Brand new day - (RE) - FRA - 497 113 2 - CDs - yellow/black - promo
UK CD in big silver envelop with promo card
Brand new day - Windmills of your mind - FRA - MM99465 - picture
disc - promo shpaed picture, special design, promo for tour
Brand new day - (edit) / (LP version) - FRA - 497 134 2 - PS - blue/black
- blue sleeve, black title
Brand new day - (album version) - JAP - 4DDP-3007 - black/silver
- 3" promotional CD
Brand new day - (edit) / Windmills / End of the game / (LP
version) - JAP - POCM-1282 -purple/blue - promo blue sleeve
blue title, OBI
Brand new day - (edit) / Windmills / End of the game / (LP
version) - JAP - POCM-1282 -purple/blue - blue sleeve with
blue title, OBI
Brand new day - (RE) - USA - without - CD - black/silver - promo
CDr, white back inlay
Brand new day - (american edit) / (international edit) / (LP version)
- USA - INT5P-6684 - CD - black/silver - promo, white back inlay
Brand new day - (edit) / Fields of gold / Englishman / Let your
soul - RSA - MAXCD177 - CDs - blue/red - blue/red sleeve
Brand new day - (RE) - MEX - CDP3612 - CDs - yellow/silver - promo,
same design as UK promo
Brand new day - (E) / fields / Englishman / Brand new day (edit)
- BRA - 2802 404 - CDs - red/blue - promo, blue/red sleeve |
Release date : 2000
Category : CD single
24 CD |
Desert rose
- (RE) / (Melodic club mix edit) - UK - ROSE1 - CDs - red/black-silver
- promo
Desert rose - (RE) / Fragile / Set them free / Desert rose video
- UK - 497 240 2 - CDs - green/silver
Desert rose - (MCMRE) / (MCM) / (FDM) / (MCM - video) - UK - 497
241 2 - CDs - green/silver - blue negative sleeve
Desert rose - (RE)
/ (Melodic club mix edit) - EUR - AMST42CI - CDs - red/black-silver
- promo, made in UK for euro promotion
Desert rose - (RE) / (MCM) / (MCMRE) / BND (MM) / BND video - GER
- 497 233 2 - CDs - red/silver
Desert rose - (RE) / (MCM) - GER - 497 232 2 - PS - red/silver
Desert rose - (RE) - FRA - without - protection - white/black
- promo CDr
Desert rose - (RE) - FRA - 9329 - PS - black/silver - promo, stickered
polydor sleeve
Desert rose - (RE) / (MCMRA) - FRA - AMST42CI - PS - red/silver
- euro promo CD in stickered white sleeve, with promo 7"x7"
Desert rose - (RE) / (MCM) - FRA - 497 232 2 - PS - red/silver
Desert rose - (AV) - FRA - without - PS - white/black - virgin promo
mastering CD
Desert rose - (radio
edit) - SPA - M4651599 - CDs - black/silver - promotional CD without
sleeve Desert
rose - (RE) / (MCM) / (MCMRE) / BND (MM) / BND video - AUS - 497
233 2 - CDs - red/silver
Desert rose - (RE) / (MCM) / (MCMRE) / BND (MM) / BND video - JAP
- POCM 1290 - CDs - red/silver - promo, with OBI & insert
Desert rose - (RE) / (MCM)
/ (MCMRE) / BND (MM) / BND video - JAP - POCM 1290
- CDs - red/silver - with OBI & insert
Desert rose - (LP) / Thousand years / (MCM) - JAP - POCM 1299 -
CDs - green/silver - with blue negative sleeve, with OBI & insert
Desert rose - (RE) / (LP) / (MCRE) / (ER) - CAN - UMCR41342 - CD
- silver/black - promo
Desert rose - (RE) / (LP) / (MCMRA) - USA - INTR10015 2 - CD - silver/black
- promo, back inlay only Desert rose - (RE) / (LP) / (MCMRA)
- USA - INTR10015 2 - CD - silver/black - promo, with front sleeve,
comes in Jaguar press kit
Desert rose - (RE) / (MCMRA) / (LP) - USA - INTR10093 2 - CD - silver/black
- promo, reissue, different track order, back inlay only
Desert rose - (RE) / (MCMRA) / BND (MEM) / BND ( MRM) - USA - 0694973212
- CD - pink/blue - rose design disc Desert
rose - (RE) / (MCM) / (MCMRE) / BND (MM) / BND video - RSA
- MAXCD204 - CDs - red/silver Desert
rose - (RE) / (MCM) / (MCMRE) / BND (MM) / BND video - MEX
- 497 233 2 - CDs - red/silver
Desert rose - (RE) / (MCM) / (MCMRE) - BRA - 2802445 - CDs - orange/silver
- promo |
Release date : 2000
Category : CD single
22 CD |
After the
rain has fallen - (RE) - UK - STINGRCD1 - CDs - silver/black - promo
CDr, gold sleeve
After the rain has fallen - (RRORM) - UK - STINGRCD1 - CDs - silver/black
- promo CDr, bronze sleeve
After the rain has fallen - 8 tracks - UK - without - protection
- silver/black - promo CDrn all tracks from CDs & MC
After the rain has fallen - (VE) / Shape / (TTOE) / Video - 497
325 2 - CDs - black/orange - b&w sleeve
After the rain has fallen - (VE) / 7 days / Desert rose - 497 326
2 - CDs - orange/black - orange sleeve
After the rain has fallen - (RE) / (TTORE) - EU - 497 303 2 - CDs
- gold/silver - EU promo CDs, made in UK, gold sleeve
After the rain has fallen - (VE) / (TTOE) / 7 days / Shape / Desert
video - GER - 497 324 2 - CDs - black/orange - mistake AFTR video
After the rain has fallen - (VE) / (TTOE) / 7 days / Desert / Desert
video - GER - 497 370 2 - CDs - black/orange - reissue
After the rain has fallen - (VE) / (TTOE) - GER - 497 323 2 - CDs
- orange/black - orange sleeve
After the rain has fallen - (VE) / Desert rose - FRA- 497 395 2
- PS- orange/black - orange sleeve, limited edition sticker
After the rain has fallen - (VE) / (TTOE) - FRA - 497 323 2 -
PS- orange/black - orange sleeve, very rare reissue
After the rain has fallen - (AV) - SPA - STING1 - PS - green/silver
- promo, complete different design
After the rain has fallen - Poland - without - CDs - silver/black
- very rare poland promo CD (not CDr)
After the rain has fallen - (radio remix) - Poland - without
- CDs - silver/black - very rare poland promo CD, different design
(not CDr)
After the rain has fallen - (AVRE) - USA - without - CD - white/black
- promo CDr
After the rain has fallen - (VE) / (TTOE) - USA - AMRR101812 - CD
- blue/silver - promo, without back inlay or sleeve
After the rain has fallen - (VE) / (TTOE) - USA - AMRR101812 - CD
- blue/silver - promo, with mistaken back inlay (states 3 tracks)
After the rain has fallen - (AV) / (VE - USA - AMRR102882 - CD -
blue/silver - promo, with back inlay, different track list
After the rain has fallen - (radio mix) - USA - without - CD - silver/black
- promo CDr, back inlay
After the rain has fallen - (radio mix) - USA - without - CD - silver/black
- different promo CDr, back inlay
After the rain has fallen - (radio mix) - USA -AMRR 103182 - CD
- silver/black - promo CD, back inlay
After the rain has fallen - (VE) / (TTOE) / 7 days / Shape / Desert
video - RSA - MAXCD231 - CDs - black/orange - mistake AFTR video
Release date : 2000
Category : promotional CD EP
1CD |
Best Buy - USA - without -
picture disc - PS - 3 audio/3 videos tracks promo CD to promot
Sting concert |
Release date : 2000
Category : promotional CD single
1CD |
Rock Steady - USA - 0694974812
- yellow/black-red - PS - promo CD given with book of the same
name |
Release date : 2000
Category : CD single
11 CD |
My funny friend
and me - english/spanish - GER - 0125596DY - CDs - picture disc
- promo, with promo sticker and info shit
My funny friend
and me - english/spanish - GER - 0125596DY - CDs - picture disc
My funny friend and me - english/spanish - GER - 0125596DY - PS
- picture disc
My funny friend and me - english/spanish/italian - GER - 0125355DY
- CDs - picture disc
My funny friend and me - radio edit/album - JAP - PRCD11330 2
- CD - picture disc - USA promo CD with special japan sleeve
My funny friend and me - radio edit/album - USA - PRCD11330 2 -
CD - picture disc - back inlay
My funny friend and me - album - USA - WDR03MS36500 - CD - white/black
- Oscar promo CDr, special design
My funny friend and me - album - USA - WDR03MS36500 - CD - silver/black
- Oscar promo CD, special design
My funny friend and me - (RE)/(AV)/spanish - TAI - AVCD700069S -
CD - picture disc - different design, with OBI
My funny friend and me - (RE)/(AV) - AUS - 020092 - CDs - picture
disc - promo, different sleeve
My funny friend and me - english/spanish - BRA - AMP258-2 - CDs
- picture disc - promo, different sleeve & design |
Release date : 2001
Category : live CD
29 CD |
...All this
time - UK - ATT1 - blue-red/white - 17 tracks promo CD
in card sleeve, red sleeve
...All this time - UK - AMOS111CD - blue/red - The mail on sunday
promo CD ehanced, special AOL sleeve, sampler
...All this time - UK - 497 180 2 - blue/black.white - 17 tracks,
black sleeve
...All this time - GER - without - silver/black
- promo motor/Universal CDr
...All this time - GER - STADV1 - green/white.yellow - promo 16
tracks in card sleeve, yellow sleeve
...All this time - FRA - without - white/black - promo
fnac CDr with special back inlay
this time - FRA - without - promo CDr as above, but in
titled white protection sleeve
...All this time - FRA - 497 156 2 - blue/white.yellow - reissue
with gold sleeve
...All this time - SPA - STING02 - blue/white - 6 tracks sampler
in yellow cardboard sleeve
...All this time - SPA - 497 156 2 - blue/white.yellow - German
issue with special promotional video
...All this time - SPA - 497 156 2 - blue/white.yellow
- French yellow sleeve issue with special calendar
...All this time - Russia- 493 156-9- black/white.yellow
-16 tracks list, yellow sleeve, different booklet
this time - Ukraine - 497 156 9- ukrenian writtings, special
disc design
...All this time - JAP - UICA-2002 - green/white.yellow
- 18 tracks, gold sleeve, OBI and lyrics booklet
...All this time - JAP - UICA-2002 - green/white.yellow - promo,
18 tracks, gold sleeve, OBI and lyrics booklet
...All this time - RSA- SSTARDCD 6682- black/white.yellow -16
tracks list, yellow sleeve
...All this time - Australia - 497 156 2 - blue/white.yellow -
mustard sleeve
this time - Israel - 497 156 2 - yellow design, Helicon
...All this time - USA - without - silver/black - 15 tracks list,
promo CDr "US/Canada album"
...All this time - USA - AMRF 10606 2 - black/ - 15 tracks,
promo advanced CD, red sleeve, different design
...All this time - USA - 0694931692 - black/ - 15 tracks,
red sleeve, commercial CD with promo sticker
...All this time - Argentina - 493 156 2 - black/white.yellow
- 16 tracks, gold sleeve, with special magasine
...All this time - Mexico - 497 156 2 - blue/white.yellow - yellow
sleeve, no picture under disc tray
...All this time - Brazil - 60694931562- black/white.yellow -16
tracks list, yellow sleeve
...All this time - Brazil - 60694931562- black/white.yellow -16
tracks list, Gold Ao vivo special issue with special design sleeve
...All this time - Taiwan- Sting 1-1- green/silver.yellow -5
tracks sampler in special diray book
...All this time - Taiwan - 493 156 2 - black/white.yellow - 16
tracks, special slip case, with poster lyrics insert
...All this time - Korea- DA8293- black/white.yellow -16 tracks
list, yellow sleeve
...All this time - Malaysia - 6 069 493 156-2 7- black/white.yellow
-16 tracks list, yellow sleeve |
Release date : 2001
Category : CD single
17 CD |
- (SE)/(AV) - UK - FRAGILE1 - CDs - blue/white - promo CD, different
back sleeve and disc design to other issues
Fragile - (L)/(SV)/(SVE) - UK - without - CDs - silver/black -
promo CDr, comes with Fragile 1 stickered inlay
Fragile - (Bedtime rockers radio edit) - UK - without - silver/black
- universal promo CDr
Fragile - (NV) - GER - without - silver/black - universal/motor
promo CDr
Fragile - (RE)/(AV) - GER - STCDP1 - white/silver - promo CD
Fragile - Remix- GER - STCDP2 - white/silver - promo CD
Fragile - (Bedtime rockers remix) - GER - STCDP3- white/silver
- promo CD
Fragile - Desert rose (demo) - GER - 497 625 2 - PS - white/silver
Fragile - Desert rose (demo) / Fill her up (demo) / Fragile (video)
- GER - 497 626 2 - CDs - white/silver
Fragile - (RE)/(AV) - Sweden - STCDP1 - white/silver - EU promo
CD with info sticker on back
- (RE) - FRA - 9824 - PS - white/silver - promo CD
Fragile - (2 versions) - SPA - STING2 - without - black/yellow
- promo CD
Fragile - Desert rose (demo) / Fill her up (demo) / Fragile (video)
- RSA - 497 626 2 - CDs - white/silver
Fragile - (RE)/(RE) - USA - AMRR-10622-2 - CD - white/silver -
promo CD
Fragile - Desert rose (demo) / Fill her up (demo) / Fragile (video)
- Taiwan - 497 626 2 - CDs - white/silver - German CD with OBI
Fragile - Desert rose (demo) / Fill her up (demo) / Fragile (video)
- Mexico - 497 626 2 - CDs - white/silver
Fragile - (live) / Desert rose (studio) - Brazil - 2802 603
- CDs - blkack/white - promo, different design |
Release date : 2002
Category : CD single
2 CD |
If you
love someone (set them free) - SPA - CDs - black/yellow - promo
If you love somebody set them free (AV) / (AVWA) - GER - CDs -
white/blue - promo CD |
Release date : 2002
Category : CD single
1 CD |
- USA - CD - silver/black - promo CDr, purple sleeve |
foundation version
Release date : 2002
Category : CD single
1 CD |
your soul be your pilot - Spain- PS- orange/green - Sabera01 -
promo CD |
Release date : 2003
Category : CD album
26 CD |
love - EU - promo DVD + CD sampler in special DVD case
Sacred love - EU/UK - 986 061-9 -
Special edition, SACD in digipack, with "Like a beautifull
Sacred love - EU/UK - 986 053-5 - Special edition, with "Like
a beautifull smile"
Sacred love - EU/UK - 986 2444 - Special edition, riessue with
different sleeve and bonus DVD, with "Like a beautifull smile"
Sacred love - EU/FR - 0602498606186
- limited edition SACD digipack, with french sticker
Sacred love - EU/FR - 060249097335
- with french sticker
Sacred love - EU - 0602498614259 - SACD in special jewel case
Sacred love - EU - 0602498623503 - special tour edition reissue,
different sleeve+ bonus DVD
Sacred love - EU - 0602498196397 - reissue with new sleeve and
2 stolen car remixes extra tracks
love - Ukraine - 860 539-9 - ukrenian writtings
love - Ukraine - 860 539-9 - ukrenian writtings,
different logos on back sleeve
love - Ukraine - 860 539-9 - ukrenian writtings,
another different logos on back sleeve
Sacred love - Japan - UIGA 7001 - limited edition SACD
digipack, 14 tracks
Sacred love - Japan - UICA 1015- promo, with OBI and insert
Sacred love - Japan - UICA 1015- with OBI and insert
love - Japan - UICA1021 - Reissue with new sleeve and bonus track,
black OBI
love - Japan - UICY 9836 - reissue as abox but nice price with
red OBI
Sacred love - USA - B0002252-02 - special long box issue
Sacred love - USA - B0000872-36 - SACD in digipack
Sacred love - USA B0001934-19 - DVD audio
Sacred love - Mexico - 986 053-4 - with special Videos DVD
love - Argentina - 986 053-4 - promo, with promo white info on
Sacred love - Taiwan - 986 053-4 - box set with special slip case,
book, gold disc
Sacred love - Taiwan - 986 281-0 - special reissue, with slip
case, different sleeve+ bonus DVD
Sacred love - Korea - D00899 - special 5 tracks sampler
with special design
love - Korea - DA8870 - special tour reissue with DVD, brown OBI
Special Sampler
Release date : 2003
Category : Special CD
1 CD |
Special sampler - Japan - CD - SIC-1120 - promotional
compilation with special sleeve
Release date : 2003
Category : CD single
25 CD |
your love - UK - CDs - SEND1 - promo 1 tracks CD
Send your love - UK - protection - Remix sampler promo CDr, no
Send your love - UK - protection - Dave Aude remix promo CDr,
no sleeve
Send your love - UK - CDs - 981 010 3
- 4 tracks CDs with promo sticker on back
Send your love - UK - CDs - 981 010 3 - 4 tracks CDs
Send your love - UK/EU - CDs - STCDP5 - promo 2 tracks CD, made
in UK for EU promo
Send your love - UK/EU -STINGCDP5 - CDs - promo 2 tracks CD
Send your love - UK/EU -STINRX1 - CDs
- promo 6 remixs CDs, different design
Send your love - Ireland - CDs - SEND1 - UK promo 1 tracks CD
with irish info sticker
Send your love - Germany - DP - 0602498101032 - limited edition
Send your love - Germany - DP - 0602498093849 - limited edition
CD2, slightly different PS
Send your love - Germany - 0602498 093856
- PS - 2 tracks CD
Send your love - Germany - 3" - 06024 98117132 - pocket it
ltd 3" CD
Send your love - EU - DVDs - 0602498101025 - DVD single
Send your love - France - promo CDr with title sleeve
Send you love - France - PS- 4929 - promo CD, special
18x24" package with letterhead and envelops
Send your love - Spain -STINGCDP5 - PS
- promo 2 tracks CD
Send you love - Poland - CDs - STINGCDP5 - 2 tracks promo CD
Send you love - Japan - CD- SIC1116 - promo, 2 Tracks CD with
special design
Send you love - Japan - CD- UICY5006 - promo 3 tracks
CDr with special sleeve promo
Send you love - Japan - CD- UICY5006 - promo, 3 Tracks CD, with
Send you love - Japan - CD- UICY5006 - 3 Tracks CD, with OBI
Send your love - Australia - DP - 981 010 3
Send your love - USA - CD - AMRR-11011-2 - 2 trakcs promo CD,
no fornt sleeve, back inlay
Send you love - Mexico - PS - CDP201328 - 2 tracks promo CD
Release date : 2003
Category : CD single
11 CD |
I say your name - UK - protect - without - promo
Whenever I say your name - UK - CDs - WHEN 1 - 2 tracks promo
CDs, info sticker
Whenever I say your name - UK - CDs - 981 530-4
- 3 tracks CDs
Whenever I say your name - UK/EU - CDs - STINGCDP6 - promo, made
in UK for EU promotion, 3 tracks CDs
Whenever I say your name - IRA/EU - CDs - STINGCDP6 - promo, Eu
promo CD with info sticker on back
Whenever I say your name - IRA/EU - CDs - STINGCDP6 - promo, Eu
promo CD with different info sticker on back
I say your name - Germany - CDs - 0602498141847 - 4 tracks CDs
Whenever I say your name - Germany -
0602498141854 - PS - 2 tracks CD
Whenever I say your name - France - PS-
promo CDr with title sleeve
Whenever I say your name - France - PS- 6096 - promo CD
Whenever I say your name - Spain - Sting13#1
- PS - promo 2 tracks CD |
Release date : 2004
Category : CD single
15 CD |
car (take me dancing) - UK - CDs - without - 2 remix CDr in protection
Stolen car (take me dancing) - UK - CDs - STOLEN1 - 1 track promo
car (take me dancing) - UK - CDs - 0602498622667 - 4 tracks enhanced
Stolen car (take me dancing) - Ireland/UK - CDs - STOLEN1 - UK
promo CDs with info sticker on front
Stolen car (take me dancing) - Ireland/UK - CDs - STOLEN1 - UK
promo CDs with Universal info sticker on back
Stolen car (take me dancing) - Ireland/UK - CDs - STOLEN1 - UK
promo CDs with Universal different info sticker on back
Stolen car (take me dancing) - EU/UK - CDs - STINGCDP7 - 3 track
promo CD, tour info card
Stolen car (take me dancing) - EU - CDs - 0602498622667 - 4 tracks
enhanced CD
Stolen car (take me dancing) - EU - PS - 0602498622674 - 2 tracks
Stolen car (take me dancing) - EU/Germany - 06024 9862719 - pock
it! 3 " CD
Stolen car (take me dancing) - Spain - PS - STING1 - promo CDs
Stolen car (take me dancing) - France - PS - 10038 - promo CD
Stolen car (take me dancing) - Israel - CDs - 0602498622667 -
4 tracks EU enhanced CD with israel info sticker on front
Stolen car
(take me dancing) - Poland - without - promo CDr
Stolen car (take me dancing) - USA - CD - B0002699-32 - 6 tracks
enhanced CD
Release date : 2003
Category : Special CD EP
1 CD |
of love - USA - CD - B0001074 02 - Victoria's secret exclusive
8 tracks compilation
Release date : 2004
Category : CD compilation
2 CD |
funny valentine - JAP - UICA 4001 - promo CDr
funny valentine - JAP - UICA 4001 - with OBI and insert |
Release date : 2005
Category : special CD
1 CD |
Sneaking up on you - Poland - promoCD668 - promo 1 tracks CD |